CSR Information

Putting Smiles on the Faces of Everyone Nintendo Touches

Q&A About Nintendo's CSR

Employee Relations

What kinds of measures are taken at subsidiaries outside Japan to improve the work environment, promote work-life balance and maintain employee well-being?

Our subsidiaries outside Japan take various measures to improve the work environment, promote work-life balance and maintain employee well-being by enhancing each individual system and carrying out various initiatives.

For example, Nintendo of America offers the Nintendo Wellness program, which supplies information about maintaining health through healthy eating and exercise programs. Nintendo of America regularly organizes various events, such as fitness challenges and walking events, for employees and their families to raise health awareness.

Nintendo of Europe (U.K.) has been participating in a government-backed program called Ride2Work since October 2009. This program aims to encourage people to cycle instead of driving to work and offers a tax incentive towards the initial purchase of a bicycle. In addition, the program benefits the environment and helps employees improve their health.

Nintendo Ibérica (Spain) implemented a childcare check system upon receiving a request from an employee. With this system, employees can opt to use their lunch subsidy on childcare.

Nintendo Australia continues to observe R U OK? Day every year in September. R U OK? Day was established by the harm prevention charity, R U OK?, as a day to raise awareness and create an environment where it is easier to talk about mental health by asking if the people around you are OK. In 2023, Nintendo Australia marked this day by delivering snacks with the R U OK? logo to every staff member as a way to ask, “R U OK?”

Please refer to this page for more details on improving work environments.

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