IR Information

Q & A Summary
Corporate Management Policy Briefing /
Semi-Annual Financial Results Briefing
for the 76th Fiscal Term Ending March 2016
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Q 10

You explained that Nintendo is working on deploying Nintendo’s character IP widely and expanding the gaming population. In terms of new IP, Splatoon is doing very well, but I would like to know the current issues on creating new IP for the expansion of the gaming population.

A 10


 Creating new, and moreover, appealing IP has been a challenge we have been dealing with from the past. However, just creating new IP one after another will not yield a good result. We know the result only after a new IP is released, and it is imperative that we put forward different play experiences from the existing ones and originality whenever we introduce people to our new IP. Such originality will be lost if I talk in specifics here at this moment, so I only explained the direction for which we are aiming.


 In terms of creating new IP, Splatoon was created by gathering the young power of Nintendo’s development team. By having young generations think about and take responsibility for various parts of creating new IP, we are making progress as far as our challenge to create new IP is concerned. Other than creating new IP, we believe that one of the challenges of developing and expanding character IP is how we can popularize existing IP such as Mario and Link even more among young consumers. Thus, as Mr. Miyamoto mentioned previously, we would like to actively consider measures such as using smart devices and utilizing Nintendo 3DS even more.

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