Press the + Button to open your Pouch. Then, use the R button to navigate to the System Menu, which allows you to confirm the controls.

Press the - (Minus) to view the Adventure Log, which holds your next objective.
Note your destination is indicated by a circle marker on both the map and minimap.

A puzzle got you stumped? Stop, look, and study the area.
The way forward is sure to be hinted at somewhere.
Ask yourself: "If A doesn't work, then what about B?"
You'll come to find that trial and error is extremely important
Note that in many instances, advancing hinges on using items and abilities you just acquired.
Your Pouch also holds helpful information concerning abilities and materials. Use the + Button to access it.
A golem on the Great Sky Island will impart information essential to your adventure—do talk to it.
As not everyone in Hyrule is your enemy, make a point of chatting up any peaceful characters you come across. This is an important avenue to learning crucial details and acquiring new objectives.
If you happen to miss something during an ongoing conversation, simply hit the Y Button to backtrack.
And for particulars you'd rather keep a hard record of, use the Capture Button to take a screenshot.
Moments you've captured can be viewed later via the Nintendo Switch™ system's HOME Menu, under Album.

You never know what adversity awaits. Best be prepared and pick up any materials you come across.
Materials can be gathered in a variety of ways. Inspect tree roots, treetops, catch wildlife, hunt, and more.
You'll especially want to stock up on heart-replenishing varieties, such as Raw Meat and Apples.
Pots and wooden boxes often house items ranging from food to arrows and beyond. Don't be afraid to let loose and smash them!

Here are some combat basics you'll want to master.
- When a hostile is near, hit the ZL Button to focus on it.
- Use the Fuse ability to strengthen your weapon.
- When you're losing hearts, replenish hearts by consuming raw food or cooked meals.

While it's entirely possible to consume raw food you've picked up, you might want to try your hand at cooking it too. All you'll need is a cooking pot, fire, and a couple of ingredients.
Note that cooked dishes result in more hearts.
Furthermore, ingredients with "stam," "spicy," and other such unique descriptors in their name can be used to create dishes with a variety of effects.
- For example...
- Energizing Steamed MushroomsReq. Materials: Stamella Shroom, StambulbEffect: Stamina Recovery + Heart Recovery
- Spicy Sautéed PeppersReq. Materials: Spicy PepperEffect: Cold Resistance + Heart Recovery
As meals you've made will be saved in your Recipe Book, always be looking to broaden your culinary horizons.
Access the Recipe Book by hitting the + Button to bring up your Pouch. Then, go to "Food," hitting the X Button to bring up a recipe.
Refer here any time you get a hankering for a dish you've whipped up in the past.

Objects that can be grabbed with the Ultrahand ability can also be joined together.
While grabbing an object, tilt the Right Stick either up or down to adjust height. You can also rotate vertically or horizontally by holding the R Button and then pressing the directional buttons.
Strategically combining objects will often allow you to solve puzzles and unlock new paths forward.
Note joined objects can be disassembled at any time, so don't be afraid of failure, always striving to experiment.
- How to Disassemble:
- Grab the structure requiring disassembly using the Ultrahand.
- Wiggle the Right Stick horizontally.

Fusing materials to your weapons can make them more powerful, in addition to producing a wide variety of beneficial combat effects.
Some will allow you to shatter walls, while others yet will allow you to set fire to things.
Put your unfused weapons to the test, experimenting with as many combos as you can.
Note the Fuse ability can be used with shields—even bows and arrows—resulting in a near endless bevy of creative effects.
Attached materials can be removed at any time.
- Undoing Fuse:
- Press the + Button to access your Pouch.
- Select your desired equipment, hitting the A Button.
- Lastly, go down to "Destroy fused material," hitting the A Button once more.
- You will lose the relevant material, so proceed with caution.

If you find your weapons are too brittle, try fusing either a normal or large-sized boulder to them.
This will raise damage potential in addition to durability.
Horns dropped by defeated enemies can also be fused to make weapons hardier.
Not all materials contribute to durability, however. Upon coming across a new material, try fusing it to a weapon to see what happens.

When selecting an object to reverse movement with the Recall ability, time will stand still.
Use this moment's reprieve to carefully select your desired object.
Time will also freeze after using the Ascend ability, while your upper body is peaking out of a surface.
Should you deem the new area you've reached too dangerous, simply use the B Button to return down.

Having trouble sifting through a sizeable assortment of materials?
Not to worry. Hitting the Y Button at your inventory will sort materials according to various criteria. Choose from type, Fuse attack power, most used—even prioritize Zonai devices.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
- Official Website
Solutions to in-game
puzzles lie ahead.
Getting through
Ukouh Shrine
With the Ultrahand ability, you can do more than move grabbed objects along. You can rotate them, as well as attach them to other structures.
At the Ukouh Shrine, you'll need to use the Ultrahand ability to join a board and hook in order to advance.

I've beaten the first shrine.
Where to next?
It's possible to find two new shrines after exiting the Ukouh Shrine.
Upon sighting one, press the Right Stick to engage your Scope, hitting the A Button to then set a pin.
Set pins will become visible on your map.

Getting through
In-isa Shrine
The Fuse ability can be used to join an object to a weapon or shield you have equipped. This will result in a new piece of weapon imbued with new effects.
At the In-isa Shrine, for example, one location will require you to fuse a boulder to your weapon, shattering a wall to advance. Elsewhere in the shrine, you'll need to fuse a Fire Fruit to your arrow, igniting dead leaves.

How do I reach the shrine up
on the snowy mountain?
Frozen cliffs are slippery and can't be scaled without some innovation.
- Check the vicinity for objects, including trees. Use these to create climbable structures.
- Alternatively, look for unfrozen areas—as these will be climbable.
Either of these methods can be used to scale the cliff and reach the shrine.

Getting through
Gutanbac Shrine
The Ascend ability is used to traverse straight upward, passing through ceilings and pop out the other side.
The Gutanbac Shrine will require you to use this ability to advance.
The ropes you encounter can be cut with a bladed weapon or arrow.

Reaching the Temple of Time
from the snowy mountain Shrine via Wing
Exit the Gutanbac Shrine and proceed rightward. Eventually you'll come across a location requiring you to use Ascend.
Penetrate the ceiling and pass through the aperture in the tree. Below, you'll find a Zonai device known as the Wing.
Place the Wing into a runway groove. Board as it accelerates, making your way to the Temple of Time.
- Flying Tips:
- Stand in the center to fly straight forward.
- Moving left or right will rotate the craft in that direction.
- Once over your desired landing spot, walk to the craft rear to drop directly down.
Note the Wing runs on a time limit and will eventually disappear.

Where's the
fourth shrine?
Bring up the map and fast travel to the Room of Awakening.
Move to the far left corner of the chamber, using Ascend to reach the next level up.
Use Recall on the gear, sending it in the opposite direction. This will allow you to reach the other side.
Enter the passage ahead, advancing to find the fourth shrine.

Getting through
Nachoyah Shrine
The Nachoyah Shrine features an area in which you must use Recall to reverse the movement of an object, thus allowing you to advance.
The gate you encounter will close too quickly, halting your progress.
The instant it opens, use Recall on the hands of the dial in front of you. This will allow you to pass through.

I've got down from the Great Sky Island to the Kingdom of Hyrule.
Now what?
Bring up the map to reveal your destination, denoted by the circle marker.
Reaching it will no doubt unlock the next exciting chapter of your adventure.
If no circle marker is displayed, open your Adventure Log and select "To the Kingdom of Hyrule."

Obtain the Paraglider,
an item vital to your adventure
Once you descend to the surface, head for the location indicated by the circle marker and talk to Purah.
This will trigger the main quest "Crisis at Hyrule Castle." Advance, and you will eventually obtain the Paraglider.
This item allows you to glide from points of high elevation.
As it is absolutely essential to your adventure, we recommend obtaining it as soon as possible.

Stumped? Whip out
the Ultrahand
When engaging the Ultrahand ability, the objects which can be grabbed will change color.
If you find yourself stuck at any point in your adventure, try whipping out the Ultrahand ability, and survey your surroundings.
You may find hints to forge ahead within the objects that change color.

Where should I start looking
into the "Regional Phenomena"?
After acquiring the Paraglider, talk to Purah again, thus triggering the Main Quest "Regional Phenomena."
While you are free to begin from any of the four indicated regions, beginners might want to plot a course northwest for Hebra. There you will find Rito Village—a good place to start, given its proximity to Lookout Landing.
To get to Rito Village, stick to the road west of Lookout Landing.
Along the way, you'll encounter various locations, ranging from Shrines and Stables to Skyview Towers. By all means, check them out.
Also, note that the snow-draped Hebra region is biting cold. Be sure to be duly prepared.

I want to be able to carry more weapons
Giving the Korok seeds to a tree fairy, Hestu, will increase your inventory space for weapons, shields, and bows.
In the early phase of your adventure, Hestu can be found near Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower (coordinates: -1681, 1052, 0184), northwest of Lookout Landing.
Be aware that Hestu moves around. If you can't seem to find him, try perusing the Lookout Landing interior.
Korok seeds can be obtained by finding or helping Koroks scattered throughout Hyrule.

How to enhance armor
Getting a Great Fairy to upgrade your armor will make you less susceptible to damage.
To find a Great Fairy, first, go to Hebra and stop by the Lucky Clover Gazette (coordinates: -3233, 1792, 0119). Once there, begin the Side Adventure "Potential Princess Sightings!"
Next, head to the Woodland Stable (coordinates: 1029, 1145, 0021) in Eldin, and talk to Penn. Completing the Side Adventure "Serenade to a Great Fairy" will result in an armor upgrade.

Utilize materials to tip the tide of battle in your favor
When you're struggling to fight foes, using your materials may be one way to go.
Various materials can provide a tactical combat advantage.
- Examples of materials useful in combat:
- Bomb FlowerEffects: Explodes, damaging all enemies within range. Useful against clumped-up enemies.Habitat: Caves, the Depths, etc.
- PuffshroomEffects: Spreads a cloud of fine spores, masking Link from sight. Ambush enemies from behind in this state to deal heavy damage.Habitat: The Depths, etc
- Muddle BudEffects: Makes enemies unable to tell friend from foe, sparking infighting. If up against multiple enemies, use this item on the strongest of the bunch.Habitat: The Depths, etc
- DazzlefruitEffects: Emits an intense flash of light, rendering foes blind. Some may even drop their weapons.Habitat: Near the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower

Appearance is telling of enemy strength
Color is a strength indicator for enemies of like type.
Many foes, including the Bokoblin, obey the following tier scheme, from weakest to strongest: red → blue → black → white.
Note that the Horn shape is also indicative of strength.
At the early stage of the game, when you have minimal gear, avoiding combat is one option for continuing your adventure.

How to obtain
the ability to
to re-make constructs
made with Ultrahand
As you explore the Depths, you'll eventually gain the ability to recreate structures you've previously created using Ultrahand.
This ability can be acquired by advancing the Main Quest "A Mystery in the Depths," which is triggered by talking to Josha at Lookout Landing.
As this ability will prove extremely helpful on your journey, try to obtain it as soon as you can.

Nifty features newly
added to Purah Pad
Part 8 of Navigating Your Adventure's Outset details how to obtain the ability which recreates constructs made using Ultrahand. Once you've acquired this new ability, go to Lookout Landing and talk to Robbie.
This will start the Side Adventure "Hateno Village Research Lab." Advancing it will allow you to unlock some cool new features for your Purah Pad.
- New Features:
- Sensor
Tracks Shrines, alerting you to their location via sound when near. - Travel Medallion
Allows you to set a travel gate wherever you please. - Hero's Path Mode
Shows everywhere you've been throughout the entirety of your journey. - Sensor +
Tracks any selected creature, item, or plant, alerting you to their location via sound when near.
As all these features will prove vastly useful throughout your adventure, it's best to acquire them sooner rather than later.

How to get rupees
Amber and other precious stones can be sold at stores for a high price.
As they are obtained by cracking ore deposits, it's recommended you keep a boulder hammer at the ready.
Selling off excess materials is another way to make some quick rupees. And as for food, cooked items fetch a far better price than raw ingredients.

Which to
increase—hearts or stamina?
Once you collect four Lights of Blessing, you can offer it to a goddess statue in exchange for a heart or stamina container.
While it is important to maintain a balance between both, players who find themselves struggling with combat may benefit from prioritizing heart containers, thus increasing their chances of survival.