You are looking at the transition in the size of the Japanese video game market, based upon the data compiled by CESA or the Computer Entertainment Suppliers' Association. As you can see, the Japanese video game market had not seen significant growth but took a positive turn in 2006 for the first time in about 10 years, thanks to the advent of a number of DS hit software titles.

In Europe and in North America, changes triggered by DS have also started to appear, but later than in the Japanese market. However, by now, a great variety of people, including those who were unthinkable as gamers according to past stereotypes, are enjoying DS in overseas markets as well.

Poke´mon Diamond & Pearl hit the Japanese market in September of last year, followed by the launch in North America in April and Europe in July. Globally, Nintendo shipped more than 14 million copies of the game. As a result of so many Poke´mon purchased around the world, Poke´mon trading through Wi-Fi accelerated. Already, more than 20 million Poke´mon have been exchanged at the “Global Trade Station” by Poke´mon trainers all around the world. In the beginning, Poke´mon were only traded in person. But now, Poke´mon trading has expanded beyond national boundaries and languages. Such communications, which once seemed unusual, are now happening continuously around the world.

Following these developments with DS, our 2nd step to expand the gaming population, occurred in December 2006 when we...

...launched Wii, a brand new home console machine.