Furthermore, we are completely redesigning seven GameCube titles so that, starting from the end of this year, we will launch them as Wii titles.

Our research has revealed that, due to the fact that the GameCube hardware had not sufficiently penetrated into the market, there were the applicable titles that many people were interested in but, in the end, did not purchase to play. In other words, such titles still have market potential.
As the Wii hardware has the compatibility with GameCube, it can run GameCube software just as they are. On the other hand, among GameCube titles are the ones which are well suited for the new play controls using the Wii Remote. We now introduce you to "Play On Wii" Selection which were originally the GameCube games but we have thoroughly redesigned the play control to be adapted to the new play control of Wii.
All the titles are the ones which can be loved by many regardless of when we launch in the market. We would like to re-launch them with the new play control.

As the first Play On Wii title, we will launch "Play on Wii; Donkey Kong Jungle Beat" on December 11.

And the 2nd Play On Wii title is, "Play on Wii; Pikmin" on December 25.

Finally, we'd like to show you Wii software lineup video.

There are other titles that we'd like you to see. From Koei, the very first mainstream title for Nintendo platform from Sengoku Muso franchise, which is known for exciting actions, is coming.

And from BandaiNamco, Mothership title of their Tales' series will be launched for Wii next year.

Here is one more video that I would like you to see. We announced this title at Nintendo Conference Fall 2007. This footage is scheduled to be shown at the Tokyo Game Show next week. They kindly allowed us to show it in advance only for this occasion.

We will not end our quest until anyone and everyone who can play video games can say that Wii has a rich software library that can satisfy their demands.

So that is the end of my speech. Now, I'd like Mr. Miyamoto to talk about Wii Music and how it has been developed with the theme of creating the emotional excitement of playing music for everyone.

Thank you for your listening today.